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‘What did they think I was going to do’ – Sean Murray responds to those questioning his boxing sanity

The boxing world’s crazy is Sean Murray’s normal.

Murray and opponent Shane Meehan rip up the rule book this Friday night when they share the ring on the JB Promotions Mayday Mayhem card in what is just their second fight.

Par for the course with early door dust-ups both have had their choice questioned. More than a few have suggested stepping away from journeymen opposition and fighting in an all-Irish fight in just your second bout is boxing madness.

However, Navan’s Murray argues he’d be mad not to.

The Pete-Taylor trained new to the scene fighter came to boxing to test himself and be in entertaining fights.

As a result, the middleweight sought the domestic fight and is delighted to be in with Meehan, a fighter he debuted alongside in February.

“What did they think I was gonna do?,” Murray responds when asked by Irish-boxing.com about those who questioned his decision.

“Did they think I was going to fight 10 journeymen in my first 10 fights? No! I wanna get into tough fights and test myself early. I’m in this game to be a fighter, not a lad who’s taking easy wins.”

The U-22 National Championship finalist says he turned over with an allergy to cotton wool and made it clear to manager Jay Byrne he wanted good fights from the off.

He got a solid enough debut test against Alan White and now takes on Dublin’s Meehan, meaning things are going to plan.

“I always said I wanted domestics ASAP and I’m delighted I got one,” he adds.

“I asked Jay to set [this fight] up and to see if Shane wanted it as well, and he did, so the minute Jay said to me he’ll take it there wasn’t any second guessing. I text him straight back to say I’m in.”

There are business pros and cons to fighting Irish opponents, the risk of defeat is obviously higher but so too are the financial benefits.

However, when it comes to his Meehan meeting you get the impression Murray is looking at it through a sporting lens and he seems as excited as the fans predicting a potential cult classic.

“The excitement levels have been amazing among my supporters,” he beams.

“They can’t wait for it. I can’t wait for it, like having a 6 round fight on my second professional fight and it being an Irish opponent. How could you not be excited about that? “

There is less by way of exuberant words when discussing the test ahead and the potential result.

“I expect him to be tough and I hope he is ready for me I see myself getting my hand raised,” he says with his business face on.


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
