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Toilet research helped Sutcliffe land flush knockout

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Phil Sutcliffe saw how he could dump last Saturday night’s opponent to the canvas while sitting on the toilet the morning of the fight.

Indeed ‘Succo’ realised just how exactly he could land the jackpot shot while on the jack’s pot. The Crumlin fighter dropped Nicaraguan Geiboord Omier heavily early in the first round, landing a flush right hand he knew would play a vital part in the fight having studied his opponent last minute.

The light welterweight spoke to Irish-Boxing.com about his comeback win and described how “I caught him on the button.”

“I watched his last fight that morning on the toilet.”

“I said I better have a look and I noticed late in the fight he dropped his left hand. I knew I would look for that shot, I was surprised it was the first one I seen.”

Sutcliffe, as well as most in attendance, were surprised that the bout went past the fifteen-second mark, and the Dubliner explained that “I seen he was game in his last fight, but I dropped him heavy and thought that was it.”

“He got up, but was like Shakin Stevens, his legs were all over the place. I was staying calm and looking for the clean shot to finish him off, but I landed a left hook right hand and he stayed on his feet so I was happy the referee stepped in.”

“If he didn’t no doubt I would have hurt the lad.”

Photo Credit: Ricardo Guglielminotti – The Fighting Irish (@ThefIrish)


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