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‘Stole the night’ ‘Never seen anything like that’- Brooke, Nelson, Coldwell

Stevie McKenna’s all-war approach has meant he has always been fan-friendly.

However, the attraction ramped up the levels with his all-action back-and-forth get-up off-the-floor win over Joe Laws in the first weekend of August.

The first round in particular has gone viral, winning the Smithborough native new fans around the globe – and it was not just action-loving social media followers that were impressed.

Influential figures such as former Cruiserweight World Champion and Sky commentator Johnny Nelson and respected pundit and coach Dave Coldwell were also taken aback by ‘The Hitman’s’ guts to glory display.

Speaking in the dressing room after Nelson said the Monaghan man stole the show.

Coldwell was equally impressed and went as far as to say he had never seen the like in all his years in boxing.


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