Headline NewsPro News

Rogan triumphs in Prizefighter

11 April 2008 – by Mark Doyle

Belfasts Martin Rogan became the inaugural winner of Prizefighter with a unaminous points win over tournament favourite David Dolan at the York Hall in Bethnal Green on Friday night.

After progressing to the final of the knockout tournament with impressive wins over Alex Ibbs and David Ferguson, Rogan twice floored his English opponent on his way to a fully deserved win, with all three judges scoring the bout in his favour (29-25, 29-27, 28-27).

Unsurprisingly, Rogan was thrilled with his achievement and is hoping that it will lead to bigger and better things.

“It means the world to me,” he told Sky Sports. “That’s a world title to me.

“The money is fantastic but it comes and goes. This title will be with me for the rest of my life.

“I knew I’d get the crowd behind me, I hope all those that have supported me here come to Ireland to watch my next fight, because I always give entertainment.”

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