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Pretty ‘easy’ debut for pretty boy

IT was pretty ‘easy’ for ‘Pretty Boy’ as he made his pro debut last week.

Declan Geraghty beat experienced journey man Sid Razak winning each of the six rounds in a fight he claims was routine.

The former Senior champion is sure to have tougher tests down the line, but was delighted to get off to an impressive start despite only having the full use of one hand.

“I feel good after that win. It was an easy fight for me despite the fact with he had over 130 fights,” the 24 year old told Irish-boxing.com

“He was a though journey man, but I boxed very well and I felt comfortable in the ring. I knew I had hurt him to the body because he start run away from me.I only used one hand for the entire six rounds and I might use two hands for my next fight!”

Geraghty also revealed his coach Seamus Macklin was also pleased with his pro bow.

“Seamus was over the moon. He told me I boxed as well as I could. The whole MGM were delighted for me. It looks like I’m be out next month. I am not sure where it will be just yet.”


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