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Collins discusses Ormond Flanagan and backs The Rock to become World champion

PASCAL Collins has vowed to lead Stephen Ormond to the World title he deserves.

The Celtic Warrior Gym boss watched as the usually calm and collected lightweight lost and used his head against Terry Flanagan in a Wolverhampton hosted World title eliminator on February 14. Ormond was subsequently disqualified and threw away the chance to fight Juan Diaz for the WBO World title.

However, Collins is adamant his charge’s World title dreams are far from over and he has backed ‘The Rock’ to bounce back.

“Stephen Ormond will keep moving forward and will keeping moving toward that holy grail of a World title. I really believe Stephen can be World champion one day and It is my job to help get that shot- he deserves it,” Collins told Irish-boxing.com.

“I want to take the positives from the fight. Stephen proved he is capable against a fighter, who not many want to fight, and has yet to be beaten. Stephen won the first half of the fight and was well in it against Flanagan.”

Considering what was the line and the fact Ormond was in victory contention the head butt incidents seem all the stranger, but Collins explained why he felt his charge lost his temper.

Although he didn’t condone Ormond’s action he revealed the Clondlakin puncher was frustrated by persistent Flanagan holding. Indeed Collins’ believes Steve Grey should have warned Flanagan publicly and claims that would have prevented the disappointing end.

“I think the referee played a big part in how the fight went. He is a good referee, but he played a part,” Collins explained.

“It was a good move by Flangan, he nullified Stephen’s left hook, which was landing all the time to the body and to the head, by grabbing Stephen every time they got close. The referee was tapping him on the shoulder telling him not to hold and he also went to Flanagan’s corner and told them ‘listen Terry is holding for 30 seconds every round’, yet he never warned him publicly and never deducted him a point.

“I believe if he had warned him or deducted him a point he wouldn’t have held anymore and that would have enabled Stephen to let them left hooks go. I think Stephen was on his way to winning that fight.

Collins also revealed Ormond went into the bout on the back of a family bereavement and claimed it played a part.

“I was very surprised, but not shocked no. If he hadn’t got sick prior to the first scheduled date and we didn’t re arrange we would have pulled out of this fight. When your grandmother, who was like a second mother to him, passes away (in the build up to the fight) it has a great affect on you. When you are fighting a fighter like Terry Flanagan, who is a great fighter and one who has beaten everyone in front of him, you need to have everything 100 percent right.

“I don’t want to make excuses- Terry is a great fighter and his corner got things right. First half of the fight Stephen was winning, but they got it right in the second half. It isn’t their fault the referee didn’t warn him for holding and Stephen got frustrated and because he wasn’t there mentally and reacted. He deserved to be disqualified, absolutely, but I believe if the referee had of warned him(Flangan) in the sixth round the fight wouldn’t have turned out like that.”

Collins has seen enough to predict his man has the measure of the Manchester puncher- and he stressed although he doesn’t believe Frank Warren would sanction it, that a rematch would be a great fight.

“Stephen Ormond versus Terry Flanagan the rematch is a cracking fight. I hope Flanagan goes onto win that belt, he is a lovely guy and there were no bad words between him and Stephen. He showed he was tougher than I thought he was. I hope he wins a World title- and although it is not his decision, because I believe he would-his management team give Ormond the rematch.

“I don’t think they will. I think they believe their is bigger fights out there with Derry Matthews and so on.”


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