AmateurHeadline News

Paddy ‘Bronze’ sets his sights on Rio gold

Paddy Barnes believes his best will ensure gold in Rio 2016.

Barnes recently revealed he was sick of the Paddy Bronze nick name afforded to him by kids around Belfast, but having qualified for his third Olympics thanks to victory over Venezuelan Finol Rivas in the light-fly class on Saturday Barnes set his sight on gold.

The popular puncher collected bronze in both 2008 and 2012 exiting the tournament to Zou Shimming on both occasions in two very contrasting bouts, but if he believes can bring his best form with him to Rio he will be leaving Brazil with a gold.

Speaking about qualification via the WSB and his Rio hopes Barnes said

“It was a tough fight, the venue was very, very warm. I knew I was one fight away from Rio so I was a wee bit more nervous too, there was so much at stake.

“It’s the Olympics and it’s your livelihood at stake too. You need to keep winning to keep the funding too.I am number one in the World in the WSB so I am proud of that.

“It made it even better for Michael to get through too.It made it 10 times better. Rio will be brilliant. It will be another unbelievable experience.

“I will be training hard to win gold and do my best and I think my best will win gold.”


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
