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Michael Conlan gives big hint about his future

Michael Conlan has given the strongest indication yet that he will fight on.

Speaking directly after his heartbreaking defeat to Luis Alberto Lopez in Belfast just over a week ago the popular Belfast fighter was none comitial on his future.

Indeed, he went as far as to suggest, he would take time to consider whether to retire or not. No doubt his words were influenced by the pain of a second failed world title attempt and just how recent that defeat was. It now appears his stance has softened somewhat.

Speaking to Boxing Social the Olympic medal winner revealed a decision has still yet to be made but he did hint at continuing his pro career and went as far as he could still win a world title.

“After the fight I was like ‘f**k this, can’t be doing it no more, I’m finished’ kind of thing, but the more I’ve sat and dwelled on stuff I don’t think so. I’ll still take time to make the final decision, but at the minute I’m just about to go a run.”

Then asked if he can still become a world champion, he answered ‘yes, definitely.’

Conlan had no issue with his coach Adam Booth throwing in the towel after he had been sent to the canvas by one of the Mexican’s uppercuts.

Interestingly, the World Championship gold medal winner revealed the well-timed shot wasn’t the sole reason the towel made an appearance.

“It wasn’t even the knockdown or how I was,” Conlan told the Sunday Life.

“Adam knew I wasn’t doing anything we’d planned to do. I wasn’t following any type of game plan and he said to be in the round before, ‘Listen, I’m going to stop this if you don’t wise up and start doing what you’re meant to be doing’.

“Adam asked if I was okay and I said, ‘Yeah’, but really I was somewhere else,” he add before stating he can’t explain why he had such an off night in what was the biggest fight of his career.

He “For some reason – and I don’t know why – it was the first time in my whole career I’ve felt that way. I was just off and can’t explain why.”


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