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‘I’m here and I’m going to bring it’ – Darragh Foley Goads Australia’s Light Welters

Darragh Foley [19(9)-4(0)-1] says he is ready to get it on with Australia’s top light welterweights after giving them a fighting chance by taking a year out of the ring.

‘Super’ hasn’t fought since his dramatic Fight of the Year with Ty Telford in December 2020, a shoulder injury was the official reason, but in true Foley fashion, he says his absence was by choice to allow the likes of Liam Paro, Steve Parks and Brock Jarvis to close the gap and become worthy foes.

Now having had time to bank more experience, improve their craft and increase their profile the charismatic Dub says he is ready to fight them and clean up domestically again.

“It’s been well documented I had to get shoulder surgery but more than anything I had to have a bit of a break to let everyone catch up – and now hopefully they are up to speed,” he said at a press conference to announce his ring return and a July 20 fight.

“I’m happy to be back and ready to clean up at 140lbs. I’m here and I’m going to bring it.”

The southpaw fights at the Hordern Pavilion, Sydney on a Fox Sports broadcast No Limit card, a venue that’s literally on his doorstep and one he wants to make his fight home.

“Let’s make this the home of super Foley. You want to fight me Liam Paranoid? You want to fight me Liam Sparky from Tooumbabuma come down to my den.”

Foley’s first fight in 18 months is against Hunter Ioane [8(5)-4(2)-1] a game and aggressive fighter. The Blanch native expects ‘The Coco Samoa’ to come seeking a fight and told him not to bother to count to 10 because the Irish fighter won’t look to hide from a scrap.

“He’s good, I watched a bit of him, he’s a bit of a bar room brawler, a bit of a firecracker, he comes to knock you out. But if you come to knock someone out you may end up getting your own boots smoked. It’s going to be entertaining, he’s going to bring it and I won’t run away it’s not in me to do that.”
