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IABA Call Second EGM in Two Weeks

The IABA have called an Extraordinary General Meeting just two weeks after the last one.

The latest EGM will take place on August 13 at the National Stadium on the South Circular Road.

Article 5 is up for amendment for the second time with the IABA hoping to change the word ‘State’ to ‘the Island of Ireland’, which would then allow them to hold AGM’s anywhere on the Island of Ireland.

In an EGM in Roscommon earlier this month the motion fell 10 votes short of reaching the 75% required.

A statement from the IABA read:

The Board of Directors of the IABA has consented to serve noticeĀ  of an EGM; the Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting is attached.

Time: 5:30pm, or shortly thereafter

Date: Saturday, August 13th

Location: The National Stadium, 145 South Circular Road, Dublin 8.


ā€œThat Articles 5 and 73(e) of the Articles of Association of the Company Constitution be amended to replace the word ā€œStateā€ with ā€œIsland of Ireland.ā€

Motion Explained:

ā€œArticle 5 of the Articles of Association of the Company Constitution places a geographical limitation on where General Meetings of the Company can take place. Article 5 states that ā€œAll General meetings of the Company shall be held in the State.ā€ The use of the word ā€œStateā€ places a geographical limitation on where General meetings can currently be held, namely the 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland. The proposed motion will seek to amend this wording to include the 6 counties in the North of Ireland. This reflects the main objects of the Company which are to foster and develop the sport of boxing in Ireland as a whole. The proposed amendment to Article 73(e) is a corollary to the amendment to Article 5 and will permit notice of General meetings to be published in newspapers both in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland should there be any suspension or curtailment of postal services within the country. ā€œ

Please note: ā€œThe above motion entails an amendment to the Rules of the Association and, accordingly, in accordance with Article 17 of the Company Constitution requires a quorum of 60 affiliated Member Clubs present represented in person by their delegates.ā€


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
