
How to Gain More Followers as a Boxing Account on Twitter

Twitter is a powerful social media platform that can help you build connections with other boxing enthusiasts. However, to make the most of Twitter for your boxing account, you need to have a large number of followers. In this blog post, we’ll share tips on how to gain more followers on Twitter for your boxing account. Keep reading to learn more!

Keep Your Ratio Healthy

If you have noticed a steady decline in the number of followers that you are receiving on a day-to-day basis, then one possible cause for this is that you don’t have a healthy ratio. Keep in mind that social media platforms all use algorithms that determine how successful an account is going to be.

One such algorithm on Twitter would be the engagement levels and accounts are receiving compared to the number of followers they have. Essentially what this means is that you need to find a way to remove any followers that are no longer active and not engaging with your account. This in turn will increase your ratio of engagement versus followers, it will tip the scales in your favor according to the algorithm.

 While it’s important to follow other boxing accounts and industry leaders, you also want to make sure you’re not following too many people. Every follows counts, and you don’t want your account to look like a spammy mess. The good news is, that there are tools to unfollow people on Twitter who aren’t following you back or who don’t tweet about boxing. This will help you streamline your account and make it more attractive to potential new followers.

Post Timely Content

One of the most important things that you are going to have to do if you want to gain more followers as a boxing account on Twitter is to post timely content. This rule applies regardless of the content that you are posting.

The primary reason this is so important is that Twitter is a social media platform where people are posting on continuously at any given point of the day. If you want to gain authority on the platform or you want to come across as newsworthy, then you are going to have to post timely content that users will be interested in.

Don’t Just Post Text

Another incredibly important factor to take into consideration is the fact that users don’t only just want to read text. In today’s day and age, many social media platforms are aesthetically driven, or in other words, users want to look at pictures and watch videos.

If you are tweeting about boxing but you are only posting walls of text, this is not going to interest anyone. What you could do is post short video clips of the best moments in a fight, for example, or post video clips of the announcement of the results. Not only will this provide your followers, or potential followers, with information, but it is also entertaining to watch. 

Post Consistently

One of, if not the most important thing that you are going to have to do to see growth on Twitter is to post consistently. A big mistake that many accounts make is only posting once a day or worse once a week and expecting to see a stream of followers.

According to current statistics, it is best to post between two to three times a day. In terms of when to post, you should aim to post at the beginning of the day as well as towards the end of the day. That way you can target all of your followers and potential followers so that everyone has the opportunity to see your posts.

Interact and Engage

Another big mistake that a lot of Twitter accounts make is forgetting that Twitter is a social media platform, so one thing that you are going to have to do is be social and engage. As mentioned above, one of the most important metrics according to the Twitter algorithm is engagement, meaning that if you want to see growth on your account you are going to have to engage.

The good news is that there are many different ways to engage on Twitter, such as commenting on the posts of other users, replying to comments on your posts, replying to direct messages, tagging users in posts, and retweeting the content of other users.

Use Hashtags

Finally, the last tip on this list for a boxing account on Twitter that is trying to gain more followers is to begin using as many hashtags as is appropriate. Did you know that hashtags originated on Twitter? If you’re not aware, hashtags categorize posts based on the hashtags used, which makes it easier for users to find said content. 

This means that if you are trying to target boxing fans, all those interested in the world of boxing, you are going to need to use hashtags related to boxing. It’s also important to ensure that you are using the best hashtags, meaning ones that are not completely saturated and ones that are not completely unpopular.
