Bookie Batterer

How to find the Best Boxing Betting Sites

If you enjoy boxing, the only thing that can get you even more into the mood for a fight, is to place a wager on who will win. But today, there are so many sites on which to bet on, how can you know which one is the best for you? Here is a list of the characteristics you need to look for, regarding boxing betting sites, if you want to find the right one.

  1. Look for a Welcome Bonus

The very first thing you should look for, on your quest to finding the best online betting sites for boxing, is a welcome bonus. The fact that there is so much offer online today, when it comes to sports betting, is that the various establishments will go to great lengths to attract new customers. It is easily understandable when you think that a new gambler can come back to their site at every game, to place new wagers. That means more money for them, and less for their competitors.

That is why they offer these welcome bonuses. They can take a variety of forms, so you should read the conditions well, before applying for the bonus. One website may offer you a bigger one, but then you will also have to place a larger bet, to accompany that amount. Others will offer you less, but without you having to add additional money. It is then up to you to decide what makes most sense, in regards to your betting strategy.

  1. Look for a Large Offer

Most boxing fans tend to look at the international scene, to watch more fights. Therefore, if you find yourself on a betting site that only offers the local ones, it might stifle you a little bit. Look for the ones where you have access to all the boxing matches that are happening, every day, around the world. The best way to know if the offer is complete is to look for the match that interests you. If you don’t find it, move on to the next provider.

But boxing amateurs are also interested in other sports, as well. That is another important point to think of before selecting your next betting sites. What if you want to place a wager on your football team? Will you be able to use the money you have placed on your account to do so? And if you like exotic sports such as curling or lacrosse, will you find odds to bet on, on that particular site you are looking at? Better to think about this first, before creating an account.

  1. Look for Live Streaming

Let’s be honest: Placing a wager on a boxing match, that we cannot watch, is pretty lame. This characteristic of betting sites might just be the most defining one, when it comes to making your selection. It is not always easy to watch boxing matches, from around the world. There are laws that restrict the distribution in certain countries. Therefore, international fights will probably not show on your TV set. If by betting on a game, you then get the right to watch it as well, it makes the wager a lot more interesting, since you are actually paying for a great service, at the same time.

  1. Look for Easy Deposits and Fast Cash Out Options

Placing wagers on a boxing match should not be complicated. Fighting with the computer, just to insert some money on your account, will have the reverse effect, of the one you want to achieve, which is to enjoy the battle between the opponents even more, by betting on one of them. Instead, you will just find yourself with a headache, trying to get your money and your bet in, before the fight starts. There are online betting sites that make it easy for you to deposit money, by offering a wide variety of ways to do so, including using cryptocurrencies.

As well, make sure that you won’t have to wait a day or more to take out the gains that you won on a match. Look at the cash out conditions before you select a betting site. Waiting on your money to become available can leave a sour taste in your mouth. That is when entertainment loses its sweet flavour. 

There are a large variety of online betting sites that offer boxing odds to their customers. But as you now know, not all of them offer the service that you should look for. Take the time to choose. In other words, don’t wait until ten minutes before the match is about to start…


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
