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History proves scholar Colm Murphy aces big tests

Colm Muprhy’s degree is in Quantity Surveying, his masters is in Construction Law, but it’s history he is studying to boost his confidence going into the biggest fight of his life this Friday night.

The BUI Celtic and Irish title winner takes on slick Scot Jack Turner for the Commonwealth silver title on the big Belfast Brawl at the SSE Arena.

It’s a step up in terms of platform and opposition for the Mark Dunlop-mentored ‘Posh Boy’.

The 24-year-old admits he never thought he’d make it to such a stage but notes his fight history suggests he always raises his game – and he plans to do just that at the Belfast Brawl live on TNT this Friday.

“History shows that, the better the boxer, the more I’ve stepped up and overcome the challenge, that’s why I think I’ll do well this time around too,” Murphy tells Irish-boxing.com.

Murphy’s fight is one of four widely anticipated clashes on the card, as well as the Dublin derby between Pierce O’Leary and Darragh Foley there are domestic title fights for James McGivern and Conor Quinn.

With the ‘The Natural’ McGivern and ‘Magnificent’ Quinn both hailing from Belfast, there has been suggestions that they could form a promotional trio, first in support of Queensberry’s Irish world Champion Anthony Cacace and then as main event triple threat themselves.

Murphy certainly isn’t opposed to the idea.

“I’m just going to keep grinding, keep getting these opportunities and who knows maybe we can all share main event on a card in the future.”

Turner comes to Belfast confident and was determined to let people know he is as far from an ‘opponent’ as you can get.

“He’s five years my senior, he’s got a lot of amateur pedigree, he’s clearly a good boxer. I’m not going to underestimate him,” comments Murphy. “I’ve made that mistake in the past and I was nearly beat. I’m never going to take anything for granted. The way I see it is, there are people waking up with a poster of you on their bedroom wall, looking at it and getting ready to kill you. You have to keep working to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Photo Credit Mark Mead


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
