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Conor Quinn welcomes Kelsall smack talk

Conor Quinn took the prediction of his doom with a smile, and even welcomed it.

Conner Kelsall attempted to spice things up and brought an end the polite nature of press conference proceedings in Belfast earlier this month, telling ‘The Magnificent’ “I can’t wait to smash your face in.”

Quinn didn’t bite or hit back instantly and almost celebrated the quip, viewing it as a sign he is entering the big time.

Speaking after, he did let it be known only one face is in jeopardy of serious damage at the SSE Arena on June 28, live on TNT and it’s not his – but continued to laugh off the retort.

“If anyone’s face is getting smashed in, it’ll be Kelsall’s” says Quinn. ahead of the Commonwealth title fight.

“These are the fights I want, the type of fight that gets you to the next level,” he adds.

“Fighting someone who doesn’t know how to lose and beating them is what I need to kick me on in my career. He’s a very good fighter, he was a good record and a good pedigree but that’s nothing new to me.

“I was boxing for Ireland from I was 11 years old, I boxed all around the world against Olympic champions, European champions on a day’s notice. When I get in the ring, I don’t care who’s in the other corner – I know what the result’s going to be.”

Quinn has headlined MHD cards over the last few years but steps into a different kind of spotlight as co-main on the TNT broadcast Queensberry card. For most, that would mean a rise in pressure levels but for Quinn it’s everything he dreamed of.

“It’s a whole different experience when you are on a big show. It’s not any pressure, it’s more of a buzz. Me being the main Belfast fighter on the show it doesn’t necessarily bring pressure just more attention and eyes. As a fighter that’s what I want. I love it.”

Photo Credit Mark Mead


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
