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Carl Frampton’s kind gesture to father of deceased former foe

Carl Frampton won plaudits for the amount of humility and respect he showed after his first career defeat earlier this year.

Post fight ‘The Jackal’ could be seen applauding what he felt was the right decision and didn’t call foul after he lost his title.

The Belfast fighter also touched hearts of boxing fans when expressed he wasn’t just disappointed he lost his crown, or didn’t get to repay his traveling fans with a victory, but was upset he didn’t get a win to which he could dedicate to fallen former foe Alejandro Gonzalez Jr.

Frampton’s first opponent in the United States and first to fighter to drop him was found dead after a suspected murder last year.

However, while Frampton didn’t get to dedicate a win to the Mexican he still tried to remember him in some way during and after his massive rematch with Leo Santa Cruz.

In a kind gesture to Alejandro Gonzalez Jr’s father Frampton sent him the fight shorts he wore in his Las Vegas fight with Leo Santa Cruz earlier this year.

Sharing the message he received from Alejandro Gonzalez, Carl said: “Got this message today. Alejandro Gonzalez dad received my fight shorts from the LSC fight. Hope it brought a smile to his face. RIP Cobrita.”



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