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Buglioni leaves Celtic Warrior set up

Frank Buglioni has parted ways with Pascal Collins and leaves the Celtic Warrior Gym.

The split was NOT acrimonious and the London fighter suggesting Dublin house prices played a vital roll in his decision to move his training camp back to London.

The Wise Guy had set up camp in Dublin training alongside the likes of Luke Keeler, Spike O’Sullivan and under the stewardship of Pascal and Steve Collins for four fights, including his World title tilt with Fedor Chudinov, but will now work alongside Don Charles in London.

Speaking to Boxing Media UK he confirmed:

“I was ticking over in the gym doing a bit of training with Steve three times a week getting a bit of sparring and keeping on top of my fitness work and just contemplating my future really.

“I looked at the situation in the Dublin camp, which was phenomenal, and just to say Pascal is one of the best trainers in the world and Steve with all of his knowledge and experience – they taught me so much and I will never forget what they have done for me. Financially I was looking to buy a place in Dublin but it didn’t work out for me so I have decided to base myself in London again.

“I have joined up with trainer Don Charles, the likeliness of Steve and Pascal really stood out for me with him – the gym was clean, tidy and organised, he was on time and punctual and straight away the move made sense to me and as soon as we started talking about my progress it definitely made sense.”


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
