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American fight date for heavyweight Kennedy

Niall Kennedy is shipping back to Boston and will trade leather in America on St Patrick’s weekend.

The Wexford heavyweight will appear on a Murphy’s Boxing show for the second time as as a pro and will face a yet to be confirmed opponent on March 19.

Kennedy, with his law enforcement background and his links to former President John F. Kennedy, proved popular with Boston fans last Summer when he made his U.S. debut in Quincy, Massachusetts. On that occassion, back in June, ‘Boom Boom Baz’ stopped the come-forward Alando Pugh inside two rounds.

Official details of the show have yet to be confirmed, but optimistic Irish fight fans have been suggesting that the undefeated big man’s fourth pro bout may be part of a PBC Al Haymon card.

The same people are keen to surmise that the news could mean a World title fight for Stephen Ormond.

‘The Rock’ has indicated a massive St Patrick’s weekend title fight is a possibility and has been muted by his team and with gym mate Kennedy confirmed for an American fight date around that period their are fan suggestions the lightweight talent, who fights in Dublin on February 6, may finally get his shot.


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