Amazing 12-year-old boxer walking around Ireland to raise money for EVERY boxing club
A 12-year-old boxer has committed travel on foot around Ireland in a bid to help out ailing boxing clubs.
Concerned with the current plight of the amateur game in Ireland the astonishing Aoife Purcell has pledged to help.
The youn Wexford Southeast Boxing Club fighter will run and walk 10kms in each of the 26 counties over just three days, not just to raise funds for her club, but to raise funds for the numerous clubs struggling in lockdown.
The cases of St Teresa’s Boxing Club and Tullow BC are high profile having received lots of press -both clubs became homeless within the space of 24 hours- but a host more clubs around Ireland are said to be struggling.
Without subs coming into the coffers paying bills is proving difficult for many.
Understanding the situation young Purcell has decided to help and showing great empathy she has elected to raise funds for all clubs in need rather than her own.
It’s not the first time the aspiring boxer went on a fundraising mission. Last year she walked from her hometown of Bridgetown to Kilkenny and raised for her club.
Explaining her latest endeavour she released the following statement on her gofundme page.
Hi my name is Aoife Purcell. I am 12 years old and I box for my local club in Wexford Southeast Boxing Club . I have been boxing for 3 years now and I love it . I am doing a sponsored walk/run around Ireland I will run/walk 10kms in each county over 6 days all to be posted live.
I will be starting walking on June 30th and will finish up on July 5th 2020. I will visit all 26 counties. Boxing is run by ordinary parents that give up their free time to train us several times a week on a voluntary basis and they deserve a lot off praise and thanks for their hard work .
Boxing teaches you a lot it’s not only about getting into the ring it’s about gaining confidence, discipline, new skills and especially lifelong friends. It keeps young children off the street and gives us something to look forward to.
I am doing walk run and cycle around the 26 counties of Republic of Ireland to help raise funds to help support all boxing clubs through these hard times .
Boxing clubs are going to be struggling through this year as they have been closed like other clubs as clubs are not receiving subs there not generating funds to cover yearly fees so I decided I wanted to try help. I’m asking all TDs and people across Ireland to support and donate to this cause as it helps all communities across Ireland all funds raised will be split evenly with every boxing club in Ireland to help no matter how small all helps. I will be posting my full walk/ run live on Facebook daily I will walk 10 Kms in each county in total 260 Km.
You can donate HERE