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“Yet again I’ll say it ‘don’t blink’- Kevin Cronin plans explosive London debut

Kevin Cronin admits he realizes a boxing dream as early as his second fight,  but it doesn’t look like he will be savouring the moment as he once again warned fans not to blink when he gets in the ring in London on July 22.
The Kerry fighter recorded a nigh on perfect debut as recent as March, banking three experience building rounds down a TV card before providing his fans with the knockout they wanted the see in the final stanza.
The light heavyweight Munster man was rewarded with a slot on the ‘Irish Invasion’ card scheduled for the famous York Hall later in the Summer- and is promising to impress in knock out fashion again.
“Yet again I’ll say it ‘don’t blink’. A stronger better Kingdom Warrior is coming to London,” Cronin told Irish-boxing.com. 
“I am planning on getting a lot more behind my boxing in my next outing but I have natural power in every punch so whoever gets in the ring with me I believe won’t see the final bell,” he adds before revealing his excitement at fighting at the York Hall. 
“Fair play to Leonard (Gunning) and Stephen (Sharpe) my manager and promoters for getting me on this bill . I’m delighted to be fighting in York Hall . I always dreamed of Boxing there so I’m really looking forward to performing and yet again showcasing my skills and power on a big stage.”
While the venue is a real bonus some would argue the real delight for the ‘Kingdom Warrior’ should be in the fact he is out again so soon after a March debut.
In fairness to the young prospect he is grateful for the chance to add to his record not too long after his paid bow.
“To be honest I’m very happy to get out again so soon . I had a few days break and a few weeks of lightened down sessions but back into full swing now so that’s enough down time for me. I like to be active,” he adds before reflecting on his first punch for pay session which played out in the National Stadium. 
“My Debut , I was happy with to be fair . He was a Tough fighter , he wasn’t even a journey man yet he was a boxer with only one pro outing which was always a dangerous fight to take straight away .
“I thought my Boxing was good and got him outta there so I was happy. Some small bits we picked up on are being worked on with Jonathan , Nicky and Parkie Been. I am getting a lot more sparring in with good quality boxers in Cork and Dublin.”
Cronin splits his time between Dublin were he trains with Jonathan Lewins and alongside the likes of Stephen McAfee and Dylan McDonagh and Kerry were he works with his old amateur coaches.
He hasn’t rested on his laurels after his debut victory and is working hard to increase his work rate and round endurance.
“I am working on getting the work rate up. Also we are looking at getting more rounds in preparing for more rounds in the future . I have been working a lot on my conditioning lately with my S+C Coach Peter Donohue so that will also come into play .
“I’ve got 3 good boxing coaches Jonathan Lewins, Nicky Dullard and Parkie Lewins aswell as a good S+C Coach in my corner. They see me sparring and working in the gym every day , so I believe were all quite confident for the future. I am also blessed to have the army of Kerry support that travel to watch me perform. They play a big part in my performance along with my sponsors Kerry Drain Services, Herculese Gym, Custom Gym Equiptment, Almas Takeaway, Relihan Dismantlers and D.W,” he adds before revealing what may lay ahead if he keeps winning. 
“I’m looking forward to get another big win and bringing myself another step closer to a title shot and maybe a big sell out in Kerry .”

