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The calm before the barnstorming – Jason Harty discusses pro debut

Jason Harty [1-0] believes he needs to employ calm before he can produce any barn storming performances.

The Limerick prospect debuted late last month out pointing Kearon Thomas [1(1)-11(3)-1] over four rounds on a Frank Warren show.

It was a perfectably acceptable start to pro life but one the 2019 National Elite Champion believes he can improve on.

Harty was keen to secure a stoppage win at the Copper Box but suggests over eagerness prevented him from showing his best.

“It was a good experience to get in there and box. It’s a different game, it’s slower and people are hitting harder. You can’t start too fast or you’ll walk onto something. I have to calm down, the amateur style is still there a bit,” he said after his fight.

The former underage amateur standout also suggested nerves played a part in him rushing somewhat.

“There was nerves. I was worried about getting in there and I was hoping to blow him away, but the stoppage doesn’t always come.

“I saw it [in the first round] but I rushed it too much and smothered my work.

” I’ll watch it back and I know I’ll see a lot of mistakes but you learn from those. I will see what I need to improve on for the next one. Hopefully, I’ll get out again soon.”

Even before he had time to watch the clash the brother in law of Paddy and Edward Donovan had self assessed and spotted where he would like to improve.

“I need to slow down my work and aim for cleaner shots. The cleaner shots do more damage, when you’re looking for the big shots you just burn stupid energy. I should know that by now especially with all the sparring I do with top pros. So it’s back to the gym and keep learning.”
