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‘Boxers only call out boxers above them’ – Ray Moylette welcomes Sosa call out

Ray Moylette [11(4)-1(0)] takes ‘the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about’ approach to call outs.

Moylette was delighted to see Adrian Sosa [11(9)-0]  drop his name and call for a fight during the week.

The Mayo native argues not only does it proves he remains relevant, despite a two year ring absence, but it provides him with a high profile low risk fight option in 2021.

“It was great to see my name back on the hit list,” Moylette told Irish-boxing.com.

“Boxers only call out boxers who are above them. You don’t see anyone calling out bums. They only call out the best.”

Pandemic problems mean travel is an issue and fighting the Sosa in America may not be a option early next year.

Still it’s a fight Moylette, who hasn’t fought in two years, is interested in and because he isn’t a massive fan of the 25-year-old, one he feels he may be able to take without a warm up.

“Its a fight I’m very interested in. His record is good and he seems to have a good following too. He has two out of the three main attributes for a successful professional boxer.

“However he is lacking boxing skill. Its a good fight for me as his record suggest it will be a big scalp but in reality it will just be another routine win,” he adds throwing in a sly dig in the direction of a man who said he’d beat him easy.

“I’m two years out of the ring and I wouldn’t have accepted the offer if I wasn’t confident. I could have played it down and said I wanted a few warm up fights before it, but in reality I don’t need them in this case. A few weeks of sharp sparring and I’m ready to rock.”

Moylette knows of ‘Tonka’ and his profile having watched him fight back in 2017. The Mayo man earmarked the Lawrence, Massachusetts native as a future foe – and he was aware Sosa had the same thought process.

“We fought on the same bill in Foxwoods back in 2017. I had him spotted as a future fight, but we never crossed paths again. As soon as I seen his name on Instagram saying he tagged me in a post I knew exactly what it was about.

“He seems like a good character and a genuine fella. I’ve no ill words towards him. The two of us can be good for each other. You have two high profile fighters around the Massachusetts area agreeing to fight each other can only be good for boxing.”

Although he feels he has the tools to beat the fighter that called him out, the World Youth and European Championship gold medal winner believes it could be a fight that would entertain.

“I have no doubt it would be a good fight, plenty of action with a lot on the line. People know what I bring to ring. I will always leave it in there.”

With that in mind the Paschal Collins-trained fighter agrees with Sosa, who also mentioned Larry Fryers’s name, that it’s a clash “worthy of TV.”

“I think its a great fight that any promoter would love to have on their card,” he adds before claiming it would be wasted behind closed doors.

“I think it would be wasted behind closed doors. Yeah good and well people can watch it on TV or online but nothing beats being there. This is one of those fights people will want to experience first hand.

“You go to any gym around the world and you will have sparring matches capable of selling out The MGM in Vegas. They go under the radar and are forgotten about. We both have big support around Boston. It would be a shame to let them miss out on that opportunity.”
