Ray Moylette out to prove he is no April fool
‘This is not an April’s fools joke’ wrote Ray Moylette when he posted a picture of himself post a 1000 push up challenge.
On the day of practical jokes the Mayo man managed to do 70 push ups ever minute for 59 minutes straight.
He still had the energy and arm power to post a selfie that screamed toil and pain moments after.
— Ray Moylette (@raymoylette) April 1, 2020
1000 push ups in 1 hour
*This is not April Fools*
I never could have imagined how difficult this would be.
17 push ups every minute for 59 minutes.
Holy fuck! pic.twitter.com/Jkb3qcC53n
However, with no video evidence and the unfortunate date of the post there are some who have questioned the Celtic Warrior Gym fighter. Not everyone believes he managed 1000 push ups in an hour.
So, lightweight Moylette has declared he will prove he is capable of completing the challenge he set and ‘allegedly’ completed live via social media next weekend.
Speaking to Off the Ball he said:
“I think I need to prove myself. I think it’s only fair. I could have made this challenge in my head and made people go through pain. I think people want to see me go through pain as well. I am going to do it live, maybe next weekend and maybe add a charity or two to it. People want to see me in pain and I want to show I am not a blagard full time and I think we can have bit of craic with it.
“If you do look back over my social media accounts there might be one serious post to five jokes or whatever. I can’t believe how many people haven’t questioned me on it, and I did do it, if you believe me or not!
“I have challenged a lot of people to do it and to my knowledge no one has got it. The closet was a guy from Scotland and I think he got 907. The average is 500-700.”
Put on the spot today @offtheball
— Ray Moylette (@raymoylette) April 9, 2020
I will go live and prove the challenge wasn’t an April fools prank..
I may have more people wanting me to fail but we can have a bit of craic along the way..
I hope I can do it now?.https://t.co/pGx2RGjxsT