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Watch : On Song! Irish fighters take Cheer Up Challenge.

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Irish boxers have been trying to hit the high notes rather than sparring partners in recent days.

Out of the gym due to the current pandemic the fighters have been training their voices.

After being nominated for the Cheer Up Challenge by former foe Josh Warrington, Carl Frampton started a chain of events that saw some of Belfast’s biggest fight names show their vocal skills.

Frampton, who turned down a slot on celebrity X Factor, set the bar high with a bit of Van Morrison.

Paddy Barnes proved he needs singing lessons when he went old school with Danny Boy.

Soon to be European title challenger Tommy McCarthy, whose family are big on the London music scene, followed suit with some classic Stevie Wonder.

Mick Conlan went for a song that he is fast becoming strongly associated with.

‘The Public Nuisance’ Sean McComb was obviously thinking about trying to work up a sweat and joined in with some classic Christy.

We will add more as they come.

