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The three worst sports to bet on


Sports betting brings the extra thrill to sports fans! And if things go well even good chances of winning. That presupposes, however, that one approaches the thing then also correctly. A deep understanding of the sport and a disciplined use of one’s own budget are absolutely necessary. Many helpful tips can be found on the net. However, what is rarely recognised is the fact that not all sports are the same when it comes to anticipating the outcome of a competition. In some sports this can be more difficult, in others it can be easier.

In the following, we’ll tell you three sports that are generally considered difficult to beat by handicappers. Even if for different reasons.



Tennis has probably the worst reputation among competitors. Which can be a bit confusing at first. Tennis has the advantage that it is only a competition between two athletes. So you “only” have to weigh the qualities and playing style of individuals against each other, instead of doing this for whole teams. Actually an advantage. But tennis has some striking problems that make long-term profitability very difficult.


First of all, tennis is the largest sports betting market in our regions, surpassed only by football. Accordingly, the bookmakers are very careful to keep the odds very tight. And since tennis is a statistically very transparent sport, they are doing it with great success. The odds in tennis are super tight and rarely offer decent value – at least in the upper leagues. But also betting further down in the pecking order (i.e. away from the world’s best) can be tricky. Because in the lower to middle leagues match fixing is unfortunately widespread. Especially because fake tennis games are so easy and discreet to play that it’s hard to get to the bottom of it. In most cases, it is sufficient if the “losing” player simply does not implement a serious offensive and lets the other player play.


Football (NFL)

NFL football is notorious among US handicappers for two things. On the one hand, it is the most popular spectator sport in the states. And thus also the one on which bets are placed most frequently. But it is also a very unpredictable sport. How unpredictable? Of 50 experts who regularly gave tips, only 10 broke the 52.5% mark for correct predictions. 52.5% are often cited as the decisive threshold because statistically this is one of the hurdles you have to overcome to be profitable, at least considering the bookmaker’s margin. However, this figure should be treated with caution, as quotas naturally play an important role. If you bet on too many overpriced favourites, you will still fall thick on your face with 52.5% (or sometimes significantly more). The majority of experts must have had the same or a similar experience, of whom only three would have been profitable if the bookmakers’ odds had been taken as a basis. So American football is a damn variable affair.


Horse Racing

Horse racing is often associated with sports betting. Some, on the other hand, regard them as a discipline in their own right. The fact is that the spectacle of horse racing has given rise to a culture of competition that is inextricably linked to the image of this sport. However, there are very few handicappers that are profitable in the long run. And similar to football, the variance (the random factor) is enormous. For this reason, most experienced handicappers stay away from the bookmakers when only races with a small field of participants take place or when races are scheduled at long distances. Since these are usually very tactically led over three quarters and are pressed only at the end on the tube, there is little space for meaningful analysis. And races with bad ground conditions (too dry or too wet) are almost never worthwhile. The few horses that shine under such conditions are also known to the bookmakers and are therefore stintedly priced. On Wettenerfahrungen.com/en you can inform yourself about the best bookmakers and their latest mobile applications, if you hope to put the knowledge gained here and elsewhere into cash.



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